====== Hardware for Sale ====== The following is a list of the machines that are either currently available, or which will soon be available for sale; for a more complete list of available items (particularly those which have not been re-tested in the past year or two), see [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QqUrO11gnn4fwAPDxqO_phKDt1M0O15G7wJxHoQrL9s/|this Google Sheet]]. \\ ---- datatable ---- cols : make, entry_pageid, cpu, ram, note, state, release-year, machinetype headers : Vendor, Machine, CPU, RAM, Note, State, Year of Release, Type max : 25 filter : type=hardware filter : state!=sold sort : make ---- ===== Recently Sold Items ===== The following items are no longer available, but are listed here because they were sold after being successfully refurbished / repaired: \\ ---- datatable ---- cols : make, entry_pageid, cpu, ram, note, state, release-year, machinetype headers : Vendor, Machine, CPU, RAM, Note, State, Year of Release, Type max : 25 filter : type=hardware filter : state=sold sort : make ----